Maamla Legal Hai- Legal, Confidential

 MAAMLA LEGAL HAI (#webseries) 2024


Casting Ravi Kishan and Yashpal Sharma as rival candidates in Bar Council Elections was a coup in itself. Keeping it simple, and selecting good ensemble cast made the job easier. Even if you discuss law with a straight face, humour is apparent in it. The very idea of our lives being governed by set law code, and ruled upon by MiLords is hilarious. Rahul Pandey has directed the show well. Anant Joshi and Nidhi Bisht, and the great Brijendra Kala land their punches. 

This is one of the better series, and an important one. Anything related to law must serve as necessary education of the masses.

#ravikishan #legal #yashpalsharma #brijendrakala #barcouncil
