Dune Part One - An Epic journey into the Far-Future



Denis Villeneuve 

Frank Herbert's 1965 novel was excessively fascinated by Islam, and saw parts of its elements survive 20000 years into the future. Dune is a sci-fi film, strangely obsessed with dreams, visions and the messiah. There are some fancy gadgets like the ornithocopter, and some hi-falutin nonsense like spice as the substance required for interplanetary travel  at more than the speed of light. Dune , the film, works because of crisp direction and less sermonizing. Denis wants to tell a story, and he sticks to that. As per Al Jazeera, this is the story of jihad, but sold as crusades. 

Why should one watch this film?

Because it narrates an epic at a good pace, and is well-edited.

#dune #denisvillenueve #frankherbert #islam #jihad #ornithocopter 
