Vivek Shanbag's Ghachar Ghochar - A Tribute to Mundane Life


Ghachar Ghochar 2015
Vivek Shanbhag

GG appears in most of the Best Indian Fiction lists of 2016.This translated Kannada novel,penned by Vivek Shanbag,the engineer son-in-law of UR Ananthmurthy has generated a lot of buzz.
The author has drawn twin portraits of a Bangalore family-one before,and the other after they become rich.
They used to lead a tough,but simple life when they lived on Appa’s salary of a salesman.Needs were few, but there was palpable warmth in relations.
Their fortunes change when Chikappa’s business becomes a success.The behavior of the nouveau rich is painted beautifully by the author. Money brings its own complications.Many emotions and sensations lose their meaning in the lustre of lucre.VS has tried to keep the story simple, and has generally refrained from pontification despite the temptation.That is the charm of his writing.It is humble,and inconclusive.This novel cant be dubbed as a family saga because there is hardly any visible action taking place.He has provided insight into the minds of his charaters-their fears and motivations.
VS has been compared with Chekhov and RK Narayan.I dunt suppose such high praise is well-earned.The characters are not complex ,and the narrative suffers from clichéd perspectives.That might also be because the situations seem very realistic , hence commonplace.An enjoyable read,but not a path-breaking work. GG is a tribute to mundane life.
What is Ghachar Ghochar exactly ?
