SPECIAL OPS - Was there a Sixth ?


Was there a sixth ?
We know that there were five terrorists that stormed the Parliament on 13/12/2001. But Kay Kay Menon , a RAW officer thinks otherwise. 19 years later, he is still obsessed with finding the one who got away, and has assembled a team to this end which is stationed in Tehran, Ankara, Tbilsi ,Dubai and Muscat.
There is a small matter of his own departmental inquiry regarding the audit of his expenditure, and his obsession with his own daughter and wife, but they are necessary fillers so that the story might be convincingly told.
Kay Kay is just perfect in the role. There is not even one slip-up, nothing is amiss. Vinay Pathak is a master bakchod and he showed again why. Gautami Kapoor , in the role of Menon’s wife, is adorable. Sharad Kelkar and Divya Dutt have done well in their cameos. Kay Kay’s squad , led by Karan Thacker, looks sharp.
Script is tight, and direction is damn good. The makers have resisted the temptation to go overboard. There are no supernovas here, but the explosions are heard clearly. SPECIAL OPS is a damn good series, worth your time and money.
But would I watch it again ?
I don’t think so.
As a one –time watch where would I keep it ?
Pretty high .
