PAILWAN - A Greedy & Confused Script


I am lover of boxing films, as well as those made on wrestling. But this gotta be the most foolish script ever written in the sense that it fuses the two sports as if there is no difference between the two. It is rather disrespectful, and disgusting to watch an accomplished wrestler switching from one contact sport to the other at will.
This major goof-up apart, the film is not unwatchable. Sudeep Kichcha has done a good job, and Sunil Shetty and Akanksha Singh have ably supported him. Sushant Singh as a villain is quite a draw. I wonder why could the director not keep the film confined to the main wrestling plot, and had to introduce the boxing one as well. Kichcha doesn’t look awkward in either of the two sports. But logic goes for a toss when hero-worship is the aim.
I expected a lot from this film, but am left majorly disappointed.
