Why Cheat India- What Else has CBI done so far ?


Indian judiciary has not yet made up a firm mind about Ranjeet Don.The same ambivalence has hamstrung Soumik Sen’s film.Ranjeet was made the chief accused in CBSE and CAT paper leaks cases in 2003.HE secured bail in 2009, has since been chargesheeted in the CAT case(but not yet in CBSE) but as of 2019, no final verdict has been given by the courts. One might accuse him of anything, but in the absence of a final verdict, Ranjeet Don can just be classified as ‘tainted’ and not ’guilty ’of any wrongdoing.
A case which was to have been wrapped up in 6 months as per High Court dictats drags on. The Don has spent 6 months in jail already out of a maximum possible punishment of 10 years. None of the witnesses have croaked anything against him.Ranjeet Don is active in politics now.Meanwhile CBI keeps groping in the dark. It is not that paper leaks have stopped. That does not absolve Ranjeet Don of his culpability in the matter,  but puts a question mark on CBI’s effectiveness as an investigative agency.
The film in question has just one thing going for it- Emraan Hashmi. This man can carry such roles with perfection. There is a certain charm in watching him play a suave crook, a gambler or bookie or just a confused gangster onscreen. His love interest Shreya Dhanawantary is a beautiful girl but doesn’t have much to do. The storyline is disjointed. The director doesn’t know how to approach the topic properly. It is this lack of flow and proper locus which hurts the film, which is at best, forgettable. But it does raise some questions, like they were raised in 2003, whose answers are not forthcoming.
Most importantly – is the examination system now foolproof enough ?
