Bad Blood - Secrets & Lies in a Silicon Valley Start-up

BAD BLOOD : Secrets & Lies in a Silicon Valley Start-up (2018)
John Carreyrou

Bad Blood is the story of Theranos and its founder, Elizabeth Holmes - How this 19 year  old charismatic Stanford dropout promised a revolution in the field of laboratory blood testing,but  bit a lot more than she could have chewed . She promised  to develop  miniature testing devices which conducted a wide spectrum of blood tests on a very small fraction of blood extract (fingerprick) ,at much better economy and speed. Investors bought into her charm and charisma, but all her claims turned out to be a hoax.
Liz was hailed as the next big thing. Her company raised USD 700 million,and was evaluated at USD 10 billlion in 2013. But John Carreyrou’s investigative pieces in the WSJ punctured her balloon. Many of her incredulous false claims were exposed.
The ghost of Steve Jobs follows Elizabeth Holmes throughout the Theranos story . Ever since  the 19 year old Stanford dropout  started  the Company in 2003, Jobs is conspicuous  in her ambition,sartorial choices  and mannerisms . He is the one to which veterans like George Schultz, Henry Kissinger , Bill Clinton and James Mattis compare her with. The idea of Theranos was presented and accepted as the Smart device  of lab-testing.
One  other person who is ubiquitous with his all pervading evil aura is Sunny Balvani- a Pakistani Hindu,who became a successful venture capitalist .He dated Holmes for  quite some time and also ended up becoming President and Chief Operating Officer of Theranos. He has been cited as a major pernicious influence upon her.
In September 2018,Theranos ceased operations .Elizabeth and Sunny are facing massive investor fraud (by SEC) as well as criminal charges  . Elizabeth’s reputation lies in tatters.
This is a compelling story,but Carreyrou’s tone is very journalistic. There are too many characters to follow.The author has introduced them to establish the psychological frawework of the lead duo.But it leads to a lot of repetition and reiteration of charges. There is a lot of stereotyping of charatcers. John Carreyrou has a lot of bitter bile to spew against Indians.
Bad Blood is a racy read.But I hope Adam McKay’s film ,with Jeniffer Lawrence playing the lead, shall turn out to be better.   
