Kabali 2016
They spent Rs 100 crore in making this film.Besides Rajanikanth
,the whole project rings hollow .Why not pay him 50 crores and follow him
around as he does his daily chores ? I m sure his fan brigade wud lap that up as
well.There is a cheap,poorly written script and some other actors like Radhika
Apte who plays Rajani’s wife and Dhansika ,who plays his daughter.But the
proceedings doesn’t make much sense.There is an educated Tamilian in Malaysia
who stands up against discrimination vis-à-vis the Chinese,and willingly takes
up arms .He gradually becomes the leader of Tamilians in Malaysia ,and a don
whose writ runs large .He doesn’t indulge in prostitution ,gambling or
drugs.Whats his revenue model,the film doesn’t say.But he does a lot of
charity,the funds for which must be coming from some inexplicable source.It is
that kind of a film.It doesn’t bother for logical explanations . KAbali gets
released after spending 25 years in jail and immediately begins his quest for revenge upon the men who
had killed his pregnant wife in front of his own eyes.The Bhai is full of quite
some contradictions. Despite being a gangster he runs vocational training college for early
mafia recruits and wannabe dropouts.He regales students with stories of his life and struggle with visible show of emotion.One doesn’t
understand if he is a wannabe politician,a mafia boss,a community leader,a
rebel,an educationist or what ? Anyway through some strange plot twists,it is
revealed that both his daughter as well as his wife were still alive.Kabali
then vanquishes his foes and gets reunitd with his family after a lot of meaningless,poorly shot violence
scenes.Rajani is strangely subdued in this film.It fails to work even as a Rajani vehicle.Some very average
action,a poor script and dull dialgoues kill the film.Even if u just want to enjoy the
Rajani show, this film is not worth it.
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