GERONIMO: An American Legend 1993
Geronimo was an Apache warrior who fought the US Army between 1850-86 but was never defeated or nabbed. White man has insatiable thirst for land, and in the name of subtle wordplay, which might involve national interest, welfare of citizens, honour of the army, respect of rule of law or some religious red line not to be crossed, they always manage to find some or the other excuse to grab land and resources belonging to others. It is a bottomless pit, really. You can never satisfy a white man. To compound his viciousness, the white man shall find a way to break his word, again in the name of some higher ideal which only he holds dear. That slyness is what has led him to unimaginable riches. American plunder and conquest of the Western frontier in 18th and 19th centuries is a tale of rape, murder, loot and broken promises. The megaphone of democracy has had a very chequered past. Not enough is talked about that history.
Geronimo is a very well-made film, which focusses on Apaches as well as the army. Geronimo was a troublemaker, and Hill has not overlooked that part. Army is taken to task for excesses. Gene Hackman leaves behind his imprint as the good general who craves for peace. Robert Duvall plays a soldier out to catch Geronimo. He is, as always, a masterclass. Matt Damon, in his early days, gives an accomplished performance. Jason Patrick plays an important part. This is a slow burn, but lovers of Westerns shall enjoy it nevertheless, although it might not be everyone's cup of tea.
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