Law-abiding Citizen - Gas and more gas...



F. Gary Gary

Justice is better served by trying to bring malcontents to justice and failing in the process than in cutting deals and letting some of the bad seed walk away without just punishment for their deeds. That the prosecutors are too obsessed with their conviction record and judges to anyhow grant bail to accused is another reason why many seekers feel hard done by the system as a whole. This is the long and short of Law Abiding Citizen, starring Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx. 

Butler's wife and daughter are killed before his very eyes. Foxx as the PP gets death for the less vicious of the accused while the main bastard gets out easy. Ten years later, Butler wrecks havoc upon the system, and makes his point loud and clear. LAC is a kind of film which do not age well. Yet it can be watched once for Butler and Foxx. 

#lawabidingcitizen #gerardbutler #jamiefoxx #fgarygary #lionsgate #vigilantejustice
