Black Warrant (web-series) - Rahul Bhat is vastly underrated



Vikramaditya Motwane 

and others 

As Sunil Gupta joins Tihar as a part of jail staff along with two others, he realizes that the show is run by two men - DCP Tomar (played by Rahul Bhat) and Charles Sobhraj (played by Sidhant Gupta). Both these actors carry the soul of the show. There is something dark about Bhat's acting- he also does not miss a beat. Then again, Sidhant is so polished and credulous as Charles, he overshadows Randee Hooda's image with this turn. 

As Sunil, played by Zahan Kapoor, grandson of Shashi Kapoor, comes to terms with the tricky and harsh life inside the prison, he realizes that the ecosystem is run as per its own sets of rules. The series is based upon Sunil's book on Tihar that he had co-authored with Sunetra Choudhury. The first season has seven episodes and tells the story till 1984 during which time Ranga-Billa, Maqbool Bhat and others are executed. Black Warrant is basically the irrevocable order to grant capital punishment, and after signing it, pen's nib is crushed. 

#sunilgupta #tiharjail #zahankapoor #rahulbhat #sidhantgupta #netflix #sunetrachoudhury #blakcwarrant #vikramadityamotwane 
