The SHIELD S01 - LAPD Unleashed!

 The SHIELD S01 (2002)


The show follows an experimental division of the LAPD set up in the fictional Farmington district which is rife with drug-related violence, racial tensions, prostitution and warring gangs. From the very beginning the division sees tension between the captain having political ambitions and Vic Mackey and his Strike Team, which is seen by many in the force as dirty cops. Vic gets the job done and helluva smart cop, but there is something sinister about his methods and morals. Besides Vic, many other characters get a life of their own as the series moves ahead- Shane, Dutch, David Acevada, Lam, Claudette, Julien and Danny. Season One is quite crisp and sets the stage for future. Strike Team might be a bit compromised, but they do exceptional police work. Michael Chiklish is the star of the show.

#vicmackey #LAPD #michaelchiklish #LosAngeles #copdrama #policeprocedural
