The Shootist (1976) – John Wayne’s Final Pilgrimage


Don Siegel’s The Shootist (1976) – John Wayne’s Final Pilgrimage


A Lion in the winter of his life chooses your stable to spend his last days before he gets to meet the Maker. Imagine the gush of pride and excitement that a colt feels when he gets to host and serve the legendary stallion. The Shootist was John Wayne’s swansong, and the great actor managed to sign-off in some style. In his last onscreen shootout, John as J.B. Books, manages to kill three of his hotshot adversaries whom he has himself invited, before he is shot in his back by the on-looking bartender.


Ron Howard plays the young man in whose lodge does the legend seek his final shelter in Nevada in 1901. He hero-worships J.B. Books, the killer of thirty men, and the most famous shootist extant. Lauren Bacall, his stern mother, the owner of the lodge, shows care and sympathy towards the dying shootist, once she realizes that Books is an honourable man struck with terminal cancer. But she also worries about the effect that the company of sheriff-turned-gunfighter might have upon her son.


Jimmy Stewart plays a doctor who confirms the original diagnosis of cancer given by some local doctor, and thereby confirms Wayne's worst fears. Jimmy, who had problems with his listening, did the film only as a special favour to John. "I would not choose the death I described if I had your courage". Pain beckoned J.B., and even his doctor prescribes him laudanum, he plans a grand farewell for himself involving a bar shootout.


With J.B. Books' death, the last practitioner of the old code is dead. And pray what the code was-

 I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”


The Shootist is a ‘must watch’ if you are into Westerns, Wayne and Jimmy Stewart.  If death is certain, turn it into a spectacle so that generations to come remember your name. A slow, painful death can fleece a man of his dignity. Assisted suicide being ruled out as a rarely available option, other avenues may be explored. J.B. Books chooses to stage a gun battle, and departs in style, having given away all he has.


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