The Boys in the Boat- A Decent film on a Great Novel



George Clooney

Daniel James Brown has penned down a classic. Released in 2013, his book remains one of the most inspirational underdog stories ever written. Amateurs and outsiders who apply to be on the rowing team of University of Washington end up winning the local race, then Olympic Qualifying at Poughkeepsie Regatta and finally triumph at the Olympics in 1936. The kind of obstacles that were overcome during this journey arfe hard to describe in a film. The book faithfully lists them all and keeps them coming.

1936 were blessed games. Hockey, Jesse Owens, have so many stories, not least because Hitler was such an easy man to irk and difficult to ignore. 

Joel Edgerton and Callum Turner have put in good performances. 

George has made a beautiful film, which moistens your eyes and bothers your throat at suitable moments. It is made in the classically linear un-experimental style. Perhaps some innovation could have helped the film transcend the material and leave behind its imprint. We have seen hundreds of underdog Olympic stories, mate. Of winning, or quitting, sharing or shouting. George could not find anything extra in the script, and that turns the film a bit flat. 

A good film, a great watch, but you need to row or read in order to appreciate THE BOYS IN A BOAT fully.

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