JOHN WICK 3 Parabellum- Winston, You Prick!

 John Wick Chapter 3- Parabellum (2019)


Chad Stahelski 

The John Wick vocabulary is quite interesting. Right from Ex-communicado, the High Table, Open Contract and the Continental, the universe runs on its own principles. In the beginning of the third chapter, JW is declared ex-communicado, and assassins the world over are out to get him. But Baba Yaga, that is JW battles through time and killers, and gets a deal from the Elder. The whole JW UNiverse hinges on the primacy of rules, without which men are no better than animals. Along with Helle BErry, Ian McShane, Laurence Fishburne, Keanu Reeves is in top form. The martial arts set-pieces in the film are just too good.
