Sardar Udham - A Dark Film about a Dark Period

Sardar Udham 2021


Shoojit Sircar

If the script would not have harped on the fictitious love angle of Udham Singh's life, this is perhaps the best and darkest depiction of Jallianwala Massacre. The film ambles along at a slow pace, carrying bits and pieces throughout the narrative and then shedding them onto the audience by exposing them to the horrors of Amritsar 1919, and unrepentant testimonies of Dyer and O'Dwyer. 

The film brings out the special bond between Bhagat and Udham Singh. Vikki Kaushal has done astoundingly well in the eponymous role. Shoojit Sir deserves a loud applause for his painstaking effort. We still await the official apology from the British. Shame on the bloody colonialists!
