As a boxing film, MDB is right up there with Rocky in pushing euphoria to the fever pitch.
As a film about euthanasia, MDB has far less drama and hence more impact than The Sea Inside.
Clint Eastwood gives you the biggest heartbreak of your life with how this movie pans out. From the skies, you fall with a deep thud into the abyss of disability, depression and death.
The one who carries out the execution, or call it liberation, is the father-figure, the coach, the mentor, the impenetrable, acerbic Trainer. It is the haste and the supposed coldness with which he carries out her wishes that leave you gasping. His silent stares and the brevity of his opposition make you realize the correctness of her wish, and the inevitability of his acquiescence.
Watch MDB at your own peril. This film depresses you, more than it shocks you.
Clint Eastwood won the Best Director, Hilary Swank won the BEst Actress and Morgan Freeman Best Supporting Actor. MDB won the Best Motion Pictures as well. Clint was nominated in the Best Actor category too, but did not win.
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