PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN - Carey Mulligan Makes it Watchable





Carey Mulligan seeks revenge for her best friend who was raped in the medical school while she was drunk. Her friend has received no hearing let alone justice. A drunk woman is fair game, or so it went. Now Carey allows men to take her home while she pretends to be drunk. 

The plotline is not extraordinary, but the treatment is quite edgy. The film explores the idea of a male predator, who can be anyone from among us.  Boyish looks, mama's boy, good degree, upbringing does not matter- the devil can possess anyone. Of course, there are implementation issues, but not in this case where a video clip is present. 

That Carey Mulligan has been nominated for the Best Actress Oscar is appreciable, but Best Picture and Best Director seem far too stretch. A good film, but nothing super special about it.
