Pieces of a Woman - A Very Brilliant Vanessa Kirby



Kornel Mundruczo


This Canadian-American film begins a long shot of home delivery. The first question that one asks is - how safe it is? Why take the chances? But apparently, home care is that well developed in US (Boston) to be able to attempt all this. Traditionally India used to have midwived births at home, but these days, hospitals are where everyone heads. 

The pregnancy ends in an unfathomable tragedy. Vanessa Kirby and Shia Lebouf (playing her partner) drift apart. Kirby and her mum, played by Ellen Burstyn, have a difficult relationship. 

Kirby has been nominated for the Academy Awards this year. She has done a marvellous job during the scenes of pregnancy, and has later navigated her way out of the period of pain and mourning. Both LeBouf and Burstyn also deserve accolades for their layered performances.
