Slow Cafe - Nilesh Mishra & Varun Grover


Nilesh Mishra in conversation with Varun Grover

This is not an interview, rather just an informal catching up.

Varun Grover narrates his story and influences in an unhurried manner. From his birth in Himachal to schooling in Dehradun and Lucknow, and then college in BHU, Grover discusses everything. He did theatre in BHU and then joined Canbay Company in Pune where he also did some collaboration with FTII brass. 

He gradually moves to Mumbai and carves a niche for himself in Bollywood. He discusses his songs, short stories, stand-up, graphic novels and dialogue-writing. There is innate humility in Varun Grover,  but Nilesh has started to come across as slightly self-indulgent.
