Compliance- A Crime By Gullible ,Supid Americans


Common people are stupid.They have a mortal fear of law and its officers.But atleast in India ,people are quite aware of the rampant corruption in the police department and of their own rights and are generally not as compliant as the Europeans and the Americans are.
Compliance ,as a film,and a mode of prank-cum-crime cannot work in the East.To be very frank,cops disgust us,more than we fear them.No Indian would go to such lengths to please an absentee cop as did Ann Dowd ,the store manager,in the film.
But these are Americans for u.This crime was repeated 70 times across 30 states.Store owners ,or people in authority,strip searched and in some cases even sexually offended their employees as asked by a prankster on a phone call.Some cinematic license must have been taken in the film,and there are times when one does feel if a good idea has been stretched beyond a point,but then even if what is depicted happened once,its shocking !
Compliance is a two room film,a tense psychological drama  which drains you.Acting and execution are very professional and the small length of the film ensures that the film retains its watchability throughout.
