The Equaliser- Denzel Dispenses Justice


The Oscar winning duo Washington and Fuqua make a formidable partnership- while Denzel makes no false moves while acting,Fuqua is brilliant behind camera.The net result ,quite like Training Day,is a visually stylish film backed by solid performance.
Of course,The Equaliser is nowhere near Training Day in terms of style and impact.Denzel plays an ex-Marine and a DIA agent,now living a retired life,reading books,mouring his dead wife and playing a do-gooder and lifecoach to those in need. In the process,he saves a prostitute from her pimps,and  finds himself fighting and killing Russian pimps and gangsters with ridiculous ease.
With clinical efficiency,and excessive use of violence,Denzel just eliminates the whole hierarchy of the gang from US to Moscow.He has portrayed as so good at killing that there is never a contest .The viewer understands these are not fight sequences,but hunt scenes.This dulls the proceedings a bit ,but hey,since everyone is anyway on Denzel’s side,it doesn’t matter.
This film is for Denzel’s fanboys,and they wont be disappointed.
